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Sustainable Travel Tips for Your Next Event

Event activity can have a significant impact on the environment by triggering significant movements of people. The mobility of participants is, in fact, one of the aspects of event activity that can greatly affect air quality and health. 

Title (8)What is soft mobility and why is it important? 

Soft mobility solutions (those with the smallest impact on the environment and air quality) are generally determined by their CO2 emissions (one of the main agents responsible for global warming). 

The data below, which specifies the level of CO2 emissions per means of transport (grams of CO2/person/km)1, is, therefore, our reference tool, the scale from which we establish our recommendations (from least polluting to most polluting): 

  • On foot or by bike: 0 g CO²/person/km.
  • Train: 48,4 g CO²/person/km.
  • Tram:3,29 g CO²/person/km.
  • Metro: 3,29 g CO²/person/km.
  • Bus: 151,5 g CO²/person/km.
  • Electric car (1.35 passengers): 103 g CO²/person/km.
  • Diesel car (1.35 passengers): 217 g CO²/person/km.
  • Aircraft (288 passengers): 187 g CO²/person/km

Main Principles to Apply

  • Routinely promote the soft mobility of participants when structuring and organising an event. 
  • Routinely choose venues for events that offer the best soft mobility options. 
  • Think about planning your events (date and time) according to the availability of soft mobility solutions (trains, public transport, etc.). 
  • Make every effort possible to raise awareness of mobility issues among participants (as well as among clients, partners, and suppliers). 
  • Inform participants in as much detail as possible of the soft/alternative mobility solutions available during the event (specifically via the Mobility Plan), including intermodal options (e.g. cycling and public transport). 
  • In terms of production logistics: give preference to suppliers near to the event, and who rationalize transport and travel. Some suppliers tend indeed to multiply unnecessary travel. 
  • Combine deliveries as far as possible, avoid empty lorry journeys, encourage staggered working hours (avoiding heavy traffic), etc. 


As My Impact Tool customer, you’ll get access to a full list of solutions to improve your event’s mobility impact.  

This means you can adapt depending on the reality of the projects and try to do better for each project. 

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